Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Buy Werner FTP6212 300-Pound Duty Rating Fiberglass Tripod Ladder, 12-Foot Best Price

Buy Werner 300-Pound Duty Rating Fiberglass Tripod Ladder Reviews & Discount Best Price, Best Buy Werner 300-Pound Duty Rating Fiberglass Tripod Ladder

I was very pleased to finally get my tripod ladder. It should make all of my tree work much easier and safer. I debated whether to get the 6 foot ladder or 8 foot. I decided on 6 foot and I believe that that will be just what I need. (I am an older person and don't want to climb too high while attending to my fruit trees.) I was very pleased to see how well made the ladder appears to be with extra reinforcing with the front two legs. The weight is not excessive so I should manage carrying my ladder around without too much difficulty. I am a very happy customer at this point and after I have used the ladder in early spring I will update this review. I expect I will be able to say that the ladder works very well for me.

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